About the Seminar

The seminar "Applied Functional Analysis" covers a wide range of topics in functional analysis, operator theory, and related areas with particular emphasis on their applications. It is aimed at presenting papers which are mainly of interest for our research group as well as students. The seminar meets on Wednesdays at 14:15 pm in room 304 of building A3-A4 at the AGH Campus. Talks and discussions generally last an hour and a half.

Anyone wishing to offer a talk in the Seminar is kindly invited to contact the organizers (Prof. Dr. habil. Petru A. Cojuhari, Dr. habil. Jerzy B. Stochel, Prof. AGH) or the coordinators (Dr. Witold Majdak, Dr. Ewelina Zalot). Guests and participants are always very welcome!