About Professor Antoni Hoborski
Prof. Antoni Maria Emilian Hoborski (1879 – 1940)
Rector of AGH UST 1920-1922
He was born 1st of April 1879 in Tarnów in the family of Antoni and Maria of Mihldorfs. He graduated from high school in Tarnów in 1897 and continued his education in mathematics at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. After finishing his studies, since 1901 for eighteen years he had been working as a high school teacher in Krakow, Tarnów, and Nowy Sącz. In 1908 he received his PhD from Jagiellonian University under the supervision of prof. S. Zaremba. The defended thesis was entitled About integrating the differential equation vt = vxx + vyy (original polish title "O całkowaniu równania różniczkowego vt = vxx + vyy", published in "Prace Matematyczno Fizyczne", t.20, 1909). In years 1908-1910 he was studying abroad, in 1909 awarded the bachelor degree in mathematics on Sorbon in Paris. Beetween 1909 and 1910 he was studying in Göttingen, where we was working on the calculus of variations and was attending the lectures by Klein and Hilbert. His abroad studies were founded by the AU Osławski scholarship.
In 1911 he was employed as the contractor lecturer at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. In the same year he was granted the habilitation degree after defending the thesis About some application of the minimal value rule (original polish title "O pewnym zastosowaniu zasady najmniejszej wartości", published in "Rozprawy AU, Wydział Matematyczno-Przyrodniczy", seria A, t.52). In 1919 he was granted the professor position in newly created Academy of Mining in Krakow. He was its main organizer and the first rector. Since 1919 he was also the dean of the Mining Faculty. In 1921 he was granted the professor degree from the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. In 1925 he was asked to chair the Department of Mathematics in Jagiellonian University. He rejected the offer though he gave some lectures therein, mainly on differential geometry. He published 66 scientific papers, including seven scripts and seven textbooks. His interrupted by his sudden death textbook “Theory of planes” included the first polish lecture on tensor calculus. He wrote the textbook Theory of curves (1933), where he consequently applied the vector method, what was novel in the mathematical literature. He organized the school of geometry and participated in establishing in 1919 the Polish Mathematical Society. In November 1939, together with other professors from Krakow, he was imprisoned by gestapo and transported to Wroclaw, then to the concentration camp in Sachsenhausen where he died on 9th of February 1940.