Recent publications
A.Gawlik, V. Vladimirov, S. SkurativskyiSolitary wave dynamics governed by the modified
FitzHugh-Nagumo equation, arXiv:1906.01865v1 [nlin.PS] 1 Sep 2019, pdf file
A.Gawlik, V. Vladimirov, S. SkurativskyiExistence of the solitary wave solutions supported by
the hyperbolic modification of the FitzHugh-Nagumo system, arXiv:1905.02087v1 [nlin.PS] 1 Sep 2019, pdf file
S. Skurativskyi, V. Vladimirov, On the spectral stability of soliton-like solutions to a
non-local hydrodynamic-type model, arXiv:1807.08494v1 [nlin.PS] 1 Sep 2019, pdf file
A. Sergyeyev, S. Skurativskyi, V. Vladimirov, Compacton solutions and (non)integrability for nonlinear evolutionary
PDEs associated with a chain of prestressed granules, arXiv:1706.00299v1 [nlin.PS] 1 Jun. 2017, pdf file
Vsevolod Vladimirov and Sergii Skurativskyi, Solitary waves in one-dimensional pre-stressed lattice and its continual analog, arXiv:1512.06125v1 [nlin.PS] 18 Dec. 2015, pdf file
Wojciech Likus and Vsevolod A. Vladimirov, Solitary waves in the model of active media, taking into account effects of relaxation, arXiv:1407.4929v1 [math-ph] 18 Jul. 2014, pdf file
Vsevolod Vladimirov, Czesław Mączka, Artur Sergyeyev, and Sergiy Skurativskyi, Stability and dynamical features of solitary wave solutions for a hydrodynamic-type system taking into account non-local effects, arXiv:1207.6198v3 [nlin.PS] 31 Jul. 2013, pdf file
Wojciech Rzeszut, Olesia Tertyshnyk, Valentin Tychynin, and Vsevolod Vladimirov, Linerizability and nonlocal superposition for nonlinear transport equation with memory, Reports on Mathematical Physics 72 (2013), No. 2, 235-252, pdf file
Vsevolod Vladimirov and Czesław Mączka, On the stability of kink-like and soliton-like solutions to the generalized convection-reaction-diffusion equation, arXiv:1109.0403 [nlin.PS] 5 Sep. 2011, pdf file
Vsevolod Vladimirov and Czesław Mączka, On the stability of some exact solutions to the generalized convection-reaction-diffusion equation, arXiv:1004.1431 [nlin.PS] 8 Apr. 2010, pdf file
Vsevolod Vladimirov, Wave patterns within the generalized convection-reaction-diffusion equation, arXiv:0911.2759v1 [nlin.PS] 14 Nov. 2009, pdf file
Vsevolod Vladimirov and Czesław Mączka, On the localized wave patterns supported by convection-reaction-diffusion equation, arXiv:0907.1282v1 [nlin.PS] 7 Jul 2009, pdf file
Vsevolod Vladimirov, Compacton-like solutions to some nonlocal hydrodynamic-type model, arXiv:0804.2022v1 [nlin.PS] 12 Apr 2008, pdf file
Vsevolod Vladimirov, Compacton-like solutions of the hydrodynamic system describing relaxing media, REPORTS ON MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS, 61 (2008), No. 3, 381-400, pdf file